Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst puts Taxpayer Protections aside in favor of Expanded Government

Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst testified on Tuesday, April 28 in favor of the anti-freedom, anti-property rights, pro-big-government statewide smoking ban legislation.

In the meantime, Dewhurst has allowed extremely important bills (the informed consent bill, the franchise tax exemption bill, and taxpayer protections for property tax payers) to linger indefinitely in committee.

We can see where the Lt. Governor has placed priorities this session, and it isn't in the taxpayers' best interests.

Call Lt. Gov. Dewhurst today and urge him to get back on target now!

His state office number is 512 463-0001.

You can also e-mail him by clicking here.

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